Based in Bethesda

91 employees, including 79 in the Bethesda area


Why It’s Great to Work Here: “From the top leadership to team members, we all share the same passion—to put the best product out in the market by doing the best work we can and supporting each other.” —Kushal Reddy, assistant project manager

Cool Perks: “As a young professional, I’m grateful for the education assistance and for the guidance from top leadership to help plan my near- and long-term career goals.” —Reddy

Work-Life Balance: A hybrid work environment with employees coming to the office Tuesday through Thursday allows for much-appreciated flexibility.


Mental Health: “The company strongly promotes work-life balance, offering workshops and speakers that focus on mindfulness, diversity, inclusion, executive presence and more.” —Milli Arakawa, chief financial officer

Office Layout: An open floor plan encourages collaboration, while quiet spaces and “huddle rooms” offer flexibility.

Office Culture: Remember The Office Olympics? EYA does its own version (no word on whether Flonkerton is an event), plus other fun stuff planned by the “Culture Crew,” such as yoga classes, book club meetings, rock climbing and cook-offs. 


The Last Word: “Retention rates are very high, and there is a high sense of loyalty to the company.” —Arakawa