Based in Bethesda

46 employees, including 38 in the Bethesda area


Why It’s Great to Work Here: “Everyone works as a team toward a common goal and on a mission we believe in.” —Taylor McLeran, community outreach and recruitment specialist

Cool Perks: Work schedules that shift to accommodate continuing education … Free parking in downtown Bethesda.

Work-Life Balance: Just two days a week are spent in the office, with employees working the rest from home. 


Mental Health: “We take mental health seriously, because it is part of the services we provide to adoptees and their families. Barker allows us to be human and allows time off when needed.” —McLeran

Office Layout: Each person has their own office or cubicle, but most people keep their doors open when not in a meeting or on a call. A plentiful supply of laptops and docks makes remote work easy.

Office Culture: “Healthy. When we are at the office, we gather to talk and share success stories of placements and adoptions, as well as our own personal successes.”—McLeran


The Last Word: “This is a place where you know that ethical practice is prioritized and people genuinely care for you and want the best for you.” —Beverly Clarke, senior director of clinical and support services