Top Attorney 2023 Archives | MoCo360 News and information to serve, inform, and inspire every resident of Montgomery County, Maryland Wed, 06 Dec 2023 21:19:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top Attorney 2023 Archives | MoCo360 32 32 214114283 Lynette Kleiza Thu, 16 Nov 2023 02:12:36 +0000

Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. Address: 7600 Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 700 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-841-0193 Email: Website: Lynette Kleiza represents clients in all areas of domestic relations law, including marital agreements, adoption, complex equitable distribution, LGBTQ matters, custody and visitation, relocation, child support and spousal support. Lynette understands that the needs and goals of […]

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Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd.

Address: 7600 Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 700 Bethesda, MD 20814

Phone: 301-841-0193



Lynette Kleiza represents clients in all areas of domestic relations law, including marital agreements, adoption, complex equitable distribution, LGBTQ matters, custody and visitation, relocation, child support and spousal support.

Lynette understands that the needs and goals of each client are unique and creates legal strategies tailored to the facts and circumstances of each individual case. In every case, she knows a family’s life is going to change — something that’s always in the forefront of her mind when representing her clients.

Lynette is focused on getting positive results for her clients and offers a multi-faceted approach to resolution of their cases. When appropriate, Lynette utilizes the collaborative process, negotiated settlements, mediation and alternative dispute resolution. When settlement is not possible, Lynette’s considerable experience as a litigator provides her clients with an effective and persuasive trial attorney.

Specialties and Awards

Admitted to practice in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia
Listed in Super Lawyers Maryland, Family Law
Listed in Super Lawyers Washington, D.C., Family Law
Named to Top Attorney List by Bethesda Magazine
“Top Lawyers” – Washingtonian magazine
Listed in Best Lawyers in America, Family Law
Listed as “Rising Star” by Virginia Super Lawyers
Listed as “Rising Star” by Washington, D.C., Super Lawyers

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Erin Kopelman Thu, 16 Nov 2023 02:10:01 +0000

Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. Address: 7600 Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 700 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-347-1261 Email: Website: Erin Kopelman is a divorce attorney who handles cases involving domestic relations and family law, including divorce, custody, child support, property settlement, alimony, post-judgment issues, prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements in Maryland and the District of Columbia. […]

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Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd.

Address: 7600 Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 700 Bethesda, MD 20814

Phone: 301-347-1261



Erin Kopelman is a divorce attorney who handles cases involving domestic relations and family law, including divorce, custody, child support, property settlement, alimony, post-judgment issues, prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements in Maryland and the District of Columbia.

Erin is a fierce advocate for those she represents in negotiations and in the courtroom. She is straightforward and communicative, making sure her clients have the information to make the best decisions for themselves and their children. The daughter of two Naval officers, Erin brings a high level of precision and discipline to all her matters.

Erin often represents people with substantial assets or income who have issues related to business valuations, trust interests, or non-marital property. She works with many high-level executives at large companies, independent entrepreneurs and professionals like attorneys in downtown law firms, as well as their spouses, all of whom value her discretion and her understanding of complex compensation and ownership issues. Erin also handles cases involving support for adult disabled children and domestic violence.

Erin also practices collaborative law and serves as a mediator. The collaborative process allows divorcing couples to work together with their attorneys to create mutually beneficial divorce settlement agreements without going to court. As a third-party neutral in mediation, Erin assists divorcing couples in reaching negotiated resolutions without messy litigation. In addition, Erin has a certificate in arbitration from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Prior to joining Lerch Early, she practiced law at a boutique divorce and family law firm in Montgomery County.

Specialties and Awards

Admitted to practice in Maryland and the District of Columbia
Named a “Top Lawyer” in Washingtonian Magazine
Named “Top 50” Women in Maryland by Super Lawyers
Won “Best of Potomac” Reader’s Choice Award as “Best Family Attorney”
Named Best Family Law lawyer in Modern Luxury DC’s Best of the City edition
Named a “Top Vote Getter” in Bethesda Magazine’s “Best of Bethesda” Reader’s Poll 
Named to Top Attorney List by Bethesda Magazine
Named 2018 “Family Law Practitioner of the Year” in Bethesda Magazine‘s Readers’ Picks
Listed in Best Lawyers in America, Family Law and Collaborative Law: Family Law 
Leadership Montgomery Class of 2017
Named one of Maryland’s “Leading Women” by The Daily Record
Listed in Super Lawyers Maryland, Family Law 
Listed in Super Lawyers Washington, DC, Family Law 
Received the “Bar Leader” award from the Montgomery County, Maryland Bar Foundation for Outstanding Leadership to the Bar 
Received the “Section Chair of the Year” award from the Bar Association of Montgomery County

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Los daltónicos disfrutan de los colores del otoño en los parques de Montgomery gracias a unas gafas especiales Fri, 03 Nov 2023 21:46:15 +0000 Photo illustration of sunset landscape.

Era mediados de octubre y Seth Heyer, de 14 años, viajaba con su padre desde su casa en el condado de Calvert hasta Montgomery Parks, en Wheaton, para hacer algo que nunca antes había hecho: ver las variaciones de color de los árboles del parque. Heyer es daltónico, lo que significa que no puede diferenciar […]

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Photo illustration of sunset landscape.

Era mediados de octubre y Seth Heyer, de 14 años, viajaba con su padre desde su casa en el condado de Calvert hasta Montgomery Parks, en Wheaton, para hacer algo que nunca antes había hecho: ver las variaciones de color de los árboles del parque.

Heyer es daltónico, lo que significa que no puede diferenciar entre ciertos colores, sin embargo, gracias a unas gafas especiales disponibles en Montgomery Parks, puede hacerlo. En octubre, Montgomery Parks se convirtió en el primer sistema de parques de Maryland en ofrecer las gafas a los visitantes de Brookside Gardens, en 1800 Glenallan Avenue.

“Siempre me he preguntado qué aspecto tiene el mundo para él. Puede que vea las cosas más apagadas y deprimentes de lo que las vemos el resto de nosotros”, dijo Chris Heyer, el padre de Seth, al recordar lo emocionado que estaba la mañana que llevó a Seth a los parques y mientras se probaba las gafas. Heyer recordó a Seth diciendo: “No tenía ni idea de que todo fuera tan bonito. No sabía que la césped fuera tan verde”.

Unas gafas o lentes de contacto especiales pueden ayudar a las personas a ver las diferencias entre colores. Créditos de las fotos: Bocskai István

EnChroma, una empresa californiana que desarrolla gafas para daltónicos, utiliza tecnología y filtros ópticos para que las personas puedan ver una gama ampliada de colores de forma más vibrante y clara.

“La mayoría de la gente no es consciente de lo común que es”, afirma Kent Streeb, Vicepresidente de Comunicaciones y Asociaciones de EnChroma. El Programa de Accesibilidad al Color de EnChroma ayuda a colegios, universidades, museos y parques estatales y nacionales a comprar o prestar gafas a estudiantes o visitantes daltónicos.

Según el National Eye Institute, las personas con daltonismo tienen dificultades para distinguir colores concretos. Esta discapacidad suele ser hereditaria y no tiene cura, pero unas gafas o lentes de contacto especiales pueden ayudar a ver las diferencias entre colores. El tipo más común de daltonismo dificulta la diferenciación entre el rojo y el verde, pero otros tienen problemas con el azul o el amarillo, que tienen el mismo aspecto, según el Instituto. En raras ocasiones, las personas tienen una deficiencia completa de la visión de los colores, lo que significa que no los ven.

Un estudio reciente de la Universidad de California, Davis, para EnChroma, informó de que hay aproximadamente 13 millones de daltónicos en Estados Unidos y unos 263.000 residen en Maryland. Además, uno de cada 12 hombres y una de cada 200 mujeres son deficientes visuales cromáticos, sugiere el estudio.

“Oímos hablar de las gafas hace un par de años, cuando empezaron a aparecer en museos, exposiciones de arte y parques nacionales”, explica Jennene Blakely, Directora de Acceso al Programa de Parques de Montgomery. Así que pensamos que sería increíble proporcionar este equipo en nuestros parques y ahora, desde octubre, está disponible para todos”.

Su prioridad es continuar con su compromiso para proporcionar un espacio seguro que sea accesible e integrador para todos los visitantes. “Esperamos dar a conocer a la comunidad de Maryland todos los servicios y equipos de que disponemos para personas con discapacidad”, afirma Blakely.

Mike Selckmann, de 35 años, un ecologista acuático de Frederick al que diagnosticaron daltonismo en séptimo curso, recordó también su primera experiencia con las gafas en el parque el 15 de octubre.

“Pude ver muchos colores que no había visto antes, sobre todo los rojos”, dijo Selckmann. “Me sorprendió ver las frutas rojas en un arbusto y el contraste entre los árboles verdes y rojos”, dijo Selckmann. “Ahora que recorro el bosque, veo que un árbol brilla de forma distinta al otro”.

Si deseas leer este artículo en inglés, haz clic aquí.

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Colorblind people enjoy fall colors at Montgomery Parks thanks to a pair of special glasses Fri, 03 Nov 2023 21:27:25 +0000 Photo illustration of sunset landscape.

Optical filters let people see the reds, greens, oranges, and maroons of Maryland’s fall leaves.

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Photo illustration of sunset landscape.

It was mid-October and Seth Heyer, 14, was traveling with his dad from their home in Calvert County to Montgomery Parks in Wheaton to do something he’d never done before—see the full color variations of the trees at the park.

Heyer is color blind, which means he cannot differentiate between certain colors, but thanks to special eyeglasses available at Montgomery Parks, he can. In October, Montgomery Parks became the first park system in Maryland to offer the glasses to visitors at the Brookside Gardens at 1800 Glenallan Avenue.

“I’ve always wondered what the world looks like to him. He might be seeing things duller and more depressing than the rest of us see them,” Seth’s father, Chris Heyer, said as he remembered how emotional he was on the morning he took Seth to the parks and while trying on the glasses. Heyer recalled Seth saying “I had no idea everything was so beautiful. I had no idea that grass was so green.”

Special glasses or contact lenses can help people see differences between colors. Photo credits: Bocskai István

EnChroma, a California-based company that develops eyeglasses for individuals with colorblindness, uses technology and optical filters to enable individuals to see an expanded range of colors more vibrantly and clearly.

“Most people aren’t aware how common it is,” said Kent Streeb, Vice president of Communications and Partnership at EnChroma.  The EnChroma Color Accessibility Program helps schools, universities, museums and state and national parks purchase or loan glasses to colorblind students or visitors.

According to the National Eye Institute, people with color blindness have difficulty distinguishing specific colors. Typically, this disability runs in families, and there’s no cure, but special glasses or contact lenses can help people see differences between colors. The most common type of color blindness makes it hard for individuals to differentiate between red and green, but others have trouble with blue or yellow, which look the same, according to the institute. In rare cases, people have complete color vision deficiency, meaning they don’t see color.

A recent study by University of California, Davis, for EnChroma, reported that there are approximately 13 million colorblind people in the United States and roughly 263,000 reside in Maryland. Additionally, one in 12 men and one in 200 women are Color Vision Deficient (CVD), suggested the study.

“We heard about the glasses a couple of years ago when they started popping up in museums, art exhibits, and national parks,” Jennene Blakely, Montgomery Parks Program Access Manager said. So, we thought it would be incredible to provide this equipment in our parks and now, since October, it’s available for everyone.”

Their priority is to remain committed to providing a safe space that is accessible and inclusive for all guests. “We are hoping to educate our Maryland community about all the services and equipment we have for people with disabilities,” Blakely said.

Mike Selckmann, 35, an aquatic ecologist from Frederick who was diagnosed with colorblindness in seventh grade, recalled his first experience with the glasses at the park on Oct. 15 too.

“[I] got to see a lot of colors that I hadn’t seen before; particularly the red colors,” Selckmann said. “I was surprised to see the red berries on a bush and the contrast between the green and red trees.” Selckmann said. “Now that I’m walking through the woods, I can see that one tree is glowing in a different way than the other.”

If you want to read this article in Spanish, click here.

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Montgomery County restaurants join in a premier D.C. dining event, Chefs for Equality Sun, 29 Oct 2023 23:31:50 +0000

Food professionals from several Montgomery County establishments are participating Monday in one of the D.C. area’s most widely anticipated fall dining events: Chefs for Equality, organized by Bethesda Magazine dining critic David Hagedorn. The fundraiser for the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ+ advocacy group, brings together 150 chefs and mixologists. The event, in its […]

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Food professionals from several Montgomery County establishments are participating Monday in one of the D.C. area’s most widely anticipated fall dining events: Chefs for Equality, organized by Bethesda Magazine dining critic David Hagedorn.

The fundraiser for the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ+ advocacy group, brings together 150 chefs and mixologists. The event, in its 10th year, kicks off at 6:00 PM at the National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW in Washington, D.C.’s Penn Quarter. Tickets start at $325 and are available at

The event includes 40 tasting stations and 20 crafted cocktail stations led by renowned chefs and mixologists from the DMV area, including The Dabney, Albi and L’Ardente. Participating chefs from Montgomery County include Aris Tsekouras of Melina, Caroline Yi of Sunday Morning Bakehouse, Daniella Senior of Colada Shop and K.N. Vinod of Bombay Bistro, among others. All Set, Denizens Brewing Co. and J. Hollinger’s Waterman’s Chophouse are represented as well.

The event theme this year is Plate of Emergency, signifying the state of emergency that The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation has declared for LGBTQ+ Americans because of attacks on the transgender and non-binary communities, people of color and women.

“This is a very precarious time for the LGBTQ+ community, and I’m happy to say that several food professionals have joined for a good cause to help us engage in this huge struggle that our community is currently facing,” said Hagedorn, who is the freelance restaurant critic for Bethesda Magazine and Arlington Magazine, an author and the Chefs for Equality co-chair.

Among the featured activities is a speed diner, featuring drag performances.

“The drag community has been specifically attacked over the past several years. There have been many efforts to ban drag performances and drag entertainers,” Hagedorn said. For example, in February, protesters, including members of the Proud Boys hate group, chanted slurs and attacked community members at a drag story hour in Silver Spring.

What happened to drag Charlemagne Chateau during the drag story hour event in Montgomery County was a tragedy, and “that’s why we have to fight for the people of our community,” Hagedorn said.

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Jennifer Fairfax Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:57:50 +0000 Family Formation Law Office | Jennifer Fairfax, LLC Website: Phone: 240-863-2441

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Family Formation Law Office | Jennifer Fairfax, LLC


Phone: 240-863-2441

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Catelyn Slattery Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:57:49 +0000 Family Formation Law Office | Jennifer Fairfax, LLC Website: Phone: 240-245-7765

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Family Formation Law Office | Jennifer Fairfax, LLC


Phone: 240-245-7765

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Sarah F. Horowitz Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:57:48 +0000 The Law Office of Sarah F. Horowitz, LLC Address: 5910 Connecticut Ave., #982 Chevy Chase MD 20815 Website: Phone: 240-583-0592

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The Law Office of Sarah F. Horowitz, LLC

Address: 5910 Connecticut Ave., #982 Chevy Chase MD 20815


Phone: 240-583-0592

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Bianca M. Pinnock Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:57:14 +0000 Shulman Rogers Address: 12505 Park Potomac Ave. Potomac MD 20854 Website: Phone: 301-230-5207

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Shulman Rogers

Address: 12505 Park Potomac Ave. Potomac MD 20854


Phone: 301-230-5207

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Jane Rodgers Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:57:12 +0000 Markham Law Firm Address: 7960 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda MD 20814 Website: Phone: 240-396-4373

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Markham Law Firm

Address: 7960 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda MD 20814


Phone: 240-396-4373

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