Shebra Evans

City/town of residence: Silver Spring

Date of birth: November 25, 1971

Current occupation and employer: Member of Montgomery County Board of Education representing District 4

Political experience: Board of Education member since 2016

Website: www.VoteShebraevans@com


Why are you running for this office?

I’m committed to ensuring our students receive a high quality education and believe that commitment requires a proven track record to get the job done. I have successfully collaborated with my colleagues over the years, worked with partners at the various levels of government and devoted my time locally and at the state level to address the inequities that have disadvantaged students for far too long. The race for excellence has no finish line and my commitment has me seeking re-election.

What experience (work, political or other) has prepared you to hold this office?

I was elected to the school board in November 2016. I served two consecutive terms as the board president and twice as vice president. I am chair of the board’s Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Committee, serve on the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee. At the state level, I am treasurer for the Maryland Association of Boards of Education, the current chair of MABE’s Educational Equity Committee and serve on Policies and Procedures. Prior to serving on the school board, I was a passionate advocate and activist for public education serving in numerous volunteer leadership roles with Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) and various other workgroups. I believe my experience coupled with my leadership will be an asset.

What is the most important issue in this race? How do you plan to address it?

In my opinion, improving outcomes for students is the most important issue. The superintendent has been directed to use every board meeting to discuss how MCPS is progressing on improving outcomes for students in math and literacy for grades three, six and nine. Additionally, it will be important to further improve the communication infrastructure to build more trust and improve the ways in which families receive pertinent information.

Transparency and accountability have been particularly challenging for the school system as shown by the recent sexual harassment scandal involving a former MCPS principal. How do you plan to help the school board rebuild trust with the school community?

As mentioned in the answer above, our communication to staff, students, families and community members on important issues will be key. Also, continuous implementation of the recommendations from the Inspector General for the Department of Compliance and Investigation with regular community updates on the progress of implementation prior to the regular updates to the office of the IG.

Do you have a child in the school system? What school do/did they attend and what grade?

Our oldest daughter is a graduate of Montgomery County Public Schools. Our youngest daughter is currently enrolled at John F. Kennedy High School as a senior.

Are you an MCPS alumnus? Which school(s) did you attend? What year?

I grew up and attended school in the Midwest. My husband and I purposely chose Montgomery County as our place of residence because of the premier public school system.