April McClain Delaney

Party: Democrat

Age: 59 

City/town of residence: Potomac

Education: bachelor’s degree in communications, Northwestern University; doctor of law, Georgetown University Law Center

Current/most recent role:  Former deputy assistant secretary for communications and information in the Commerce Department, previously Washington director of an advocacy group dealing with children’s television programming

Previous political experience: Not applicable 

Campaign website: https://www.aprilmcclaindelaneyforcongress.com/

Why are you running?

I’m running to build on President Biden’s work — investing in the middle class, defending democracy, protecting Social Security/Medicare and tackling climate. I’m focused on protecting kids from Big Tech, leveraging technology to spur growth, restoring women’s reproductive freedom and addressing the mental health crisis. I’m running to ensure the 6th District has a strong advocate in Congress. My platform is “Common Sense, Common Ground” — I believe we must work together to make progress. With 30 years’ experience in the private, nonprofit and public sectors, I’m ready to serve Mountain Maryland, Frederick, and Montgomery County from day one.    

If elected, what would your priorities be within your first 100 days in Congress?

I will build a first-rate team, leverage my pre-existing strong relationship in Congress and the White House to get on committees that can help the 6th District and advance legislation that will help the District, protect a women’s right to choose, and align with other key priorities. I intend to prioritize constituent services like Rep. David Trone has done so well and build a strong and engaged District and constituent-centered office. I will reach out to members of Congress from both parties, build relationships, and seek common ground on our shared priorities. 

What district-specific issues are you most passionate about and how would you use your platform to address them?

We must leverage technology to drive economic growth across the 6th District. In the Biden Commerce Department, I led the rollout of rural broadband grants, so I understand the importance of strategic investments to capitalize on our research and education assets. As I travel across the District, I hear complaints about transportation and infrastructure, so I will work to expand public transit and widen I-270. As the daughter of a farmer, I will support our family farms and ensure that the extraordinary natural beauty of the 6th is illuminated and protected,

What do you think Congress’ role should be when it comes to public schools? What can you do to best support the schools?

Every child has a right to a quality education, no matter their circumstances. The federal government should deploy resources to support students and educators. Our kids deserve pre-K, free community college, lower college costs and skills training. I will champion public education and educational fairness. In my conversations across the District, adequate funding for excellence and equal access is critical, especially for those with disadvantaged and with marginalized identities. Resources are slim, educators are stretched, and students are stressed. My work at CommonSense Media taught me that Congress has a role to play, including protecting teachers from partisan attacks.

How should Congress address crime?

Americans and their families should be safe. We must do everything we can to advance public safety and fight crime. We need to support our police, fund effective and accountable policing policies, invest in more officers with better training, and encourage community policing. We also need to address some of the root causes of crime by tackling the mental health crisis, investing in prevention solutions, and keeping dangerous weapons off our streets and out of the wrong hands. I am a supporter of President Biden’s Safer America Plan.

How should Congress address gun violence?

Thirty-three thousand Americans die of gun violence every year – it is a national crisis and epidemic that is destroying communities every day. No one should be afraid to send their child to school or go to work. We must do more than “thoughts and prayers” – we must take action to pass common sense gun safety legislation, while protecting the rights of gun owners. I support universal background checks and limitations on assault weapons. We also must address the connection between our mental health crisis and gun violence.

The Dobbs v. Jackson decision in 2022 that overturned Roe v. Wade has changed the face of reproductive care access across the country. What should Congress’ role be in the abortion conversation?

I am an unwavering supporter of reproductive rights and women’s right to an abortion. I cannot believe my four daughters now have fewer rights than I had. In Congress, I will work to codify Roe into law and ensure that all reproductive healthcare is legal, safe and accessible. On day one in Congress, I will cosponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act. I am proud that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed me partly because of my strong defense of women’s right to choose.

The same Supreme Court decision has raised concerns about marriage rights and gender-affirming care access for LGBTQ+ people. How should Congress address this?

I stand with our LGBTQI+ communities, particularly as their rights are coming under attack.  LGBTQI+ people deserve all of the same rights as others to marry who they’d like, get the health care they need, be safe in their communities, and be protected from discrimination and have a home. Transgender and non-binary Americans are under increasing attack for simply being who they are. I will be an advocate against initiatives to end marriage equality or ban gender-affirming care. On day one in Congress, I will sign onto the Equality Act and be a strong champion for its passage. 

What should Congress’ role be in addressing a changing climate?

Climate change poses an existential threat to our planet’s future. The climate crisis is a threat to national security, our economic prosperity, the world’s species and our environmental stability.  The Inflation Reduction Act was transformative – it needs to be protected – but more needs to be done. Congress should increase basic research in climate science, price carbon, create new incentives to drive technological/scaling investments in industries that need to be decarbonized and bolster regulation. In Congress, I will work for a low carbon future and protect Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.  

Is there anything else you want to share with prospective voters?

I’m ready to serve day one. My diverse life experiences uniquely position me to be a hands-on, effective, and compassionate member of Congress. With a foundation in the public, nonprofit and private sectors, my approach involves practical problem-solving, common sense and finding common ground. I bring decades of experience as a mom to four daughters, attorney, entrepreneur, leader in building CommonSense Media (the leading nonprofit working to build a healthy future for kids in the digital age) and as a senior-level Biden tech policy appointee to address the needs and aspirations of Maryland’s 6th District’s families and communities.

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