Angela D. Alsobrooks

Party: Democrat

Age: 52

Residence: Upper Marlboro (Prince George’s County)

Education: Duke University (B.A); University of Maryland School of Law (J.D.)

Current/Most Recent Position: Prince George’s County executive (first elected, 2018)

Past Elected Office/Campaign Experience: Prince George’s County state’s attorney (2010-2018)

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What experience (work, political or other) has best prepared you to be a U.S. senator?

I have spent my life in public service, first as an assistant state’s attorney focused on domestic violence cases, then as state’s attorney, where under my tenure violent crime dropped by 50%, and most recently as Prince George’s county executive. As county executive, we have made record strides towards giving individuals a first chance at success, from building new schools, a cancer center and mental health and addiction care facility, to making significant investments in communities that had been left behind.

What is the most important issue currently confronting our nation as a whole, and what specific plans do you have to address it legislatively if elected?

I am outraged by the way women’s rights have been rolled back. A woman’s decision to get an abortion is one that should be made between her and her doctor, and not judges and politicians. On my first day in office, I will co-sponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act, a crucial step towards establishing federal legal protection for the right to provide and access abortion care. It is shameful that the Dobbs decision overturned 50 years of abortion rights, and now my 18-year-old daughter is forced to fight a battle that should have been won by her grandmother and great-grandmother.

What is one major issue the current Senate has handled poorly, and what would you have done differently?

I have observed with deep concern an all-out assault by MAGA Republicans on our democracy. Under Donald Trump, the Republican Party has intentionally made it harder for people to vote, particularly people of color and those in underserved communities. They have undermined our elections and democratic processes and led an armed insurrection against our Capitol. I will not mince words: the Republican Party is anti-democracy.

I will fight to eliminate the filibuster and pass critical legislation like the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and Freedom to Vote Act.

What is the state of Maryland’s current greatest need in terms of assistance from the federal government, and what are your plans for obtaining increased aid in that area?

Transportation funding is of paramount importance. Ensuring that we can expand access to transportation like the Purple Line or the Red Line and improving Metro service means more Marylanders can get where they need to attend school, get to their jobs or visit family.  I know firsthand the impact of these sorts of investments and will fight to secure additional dollars for Maryland in the Senate. As county executive, I helped to secure and attract more than $1 billion in investments for our Blue Line Corridor and millions for a federal RAISE grant to support our New Carrollton transit hub.

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